Practice Development Counsel

Phyllis weiss haserot
Phyllis weiss haserot

President & Founder

212 593-1549


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7 Steps To Great Relationships With Clients of Different Generations

When I started focusing on inter-generational issues intensively again in 2004 and started my monthly e-Tips in July of that year, it was sparked by the increase in questions and stories of frustration I was getting from clients and others about young professionals’ shortcomings in communicating and working with clients older than they were. Then some Traditionalists told me their own stories about discomfort working with clients in their 30s and 20s. From these concerns it was clear that this was a bottom line issue: They were concerned about causing client dissatisfaction and potentially losing significant business currently and in the future. It was also likely that many firms didn’t even recognize that generational differences and challenges were responsible for the threat. I speculate that is true today as well. Given the significant danger of losing clients or not attracting new ones because of inter-generational issues, I have been helping firms and individuals to understand and benefit from the generational influences and behaviors that secure relationships for business development and retention.

Here in brief are 7 Ways to Achieve Rapport with Clients of a Different Generation, whether the client is older or younger. (You can also see this as a Generational GPS Quick Tip on video by clicking here.) 

  • Don’t have preconceived notions and make assumptions, especially stereotypical ones.

Don’t expect everyone to think and be influenced the same way. And don’t think memorizing a list of typical generational attributes without knowing the influences and implications behind them will result in easy rapport.

  • Be respectful, and avoid any appearance of arrogance.

Much of arrogance is really insecurity. Appearing over-confident is often seen for what it is – the opposite. Respect paves the way for trust.

  •  Ask questions, and listen carefully. Show personal as well as professional interest.

Listening is a great skill at any age. It’s the best way to learn from interpersonal interactions, though careful visual observation is also valuable. Become a proficient questioner, asking the kinds of questions that not only provide opportunities to be informed, but also to convey that the person you are conversing with is important to you and interesting.

  • Identify the client’s professional and personal goals.

These are likely to vary by individual as well as by generation depending on where they fall on the career and lifecycle spectrum.

  • Clarify business goals and the impact of meeting or failing to meet those goals to the client.

This demonstrates that you are a serious professional eager to help the client succeed. It also helps the prospective client see and feel the implications of those goals at a deeper level.

  • Find interests beyond their business, and learn about the interests and passions through direct conversation and additional research.

Here is a wonderful opportunity for engaging in cross-generational conversation to learn and surface the emotional drivers that are the often unrecognized keys to both sales and ongoing relationships.

  • Don’t let tensions fester. If generational issues arise, discuss them, learn and agree on mutually satisfying resolutions.

(See last month’s e-Tip on diversity stress-busters.) The best time to address and solve problems is as soon as they arise, avoiding building up resentments, frustrations and erroneous assumptions or interpretations. Confronting potential problem areas quickly in a non-threatening, civil way is a sign of maturity, confidence and trustworthiness. 

Put these tips to work for you and see your relationships blossom. For a more complete list, send a request to me at


© Phyllis Weiss Haserot, 2013. All rights reserved.

* The generational chronology for easy reference: Generations are defined by the similar formative influences – social, cultural, political, economic – that existed as the individuals of particular birth cohorts were growing up. Given that premise, the age breakdowns for each of the four generations currently in the workplace are approximately:

Traditionalists:                                 born 1925-1942   

Baby Boomers                                  born 1943-1962

Generation X                                    born 1963-1978

Generation Y/Millennials                  born 1979-1998   

Learn about our *Generational Wisdom for Mentors and Mentees* programs as well as multi-generational team facilitation. Call 212-593-1549 or e-mail

For coaching, training and special programs on inter-generational challenges for and among 4 generations in the workplace and maximizing the potential of young professionals, call or email Phyllis for an exploratory talk or complimentary coaching session at 212-593-1549 or .

Phyllis is available to speak at your organization or at firm retreats on inter-generational relations and organizational effectiveness topics. Call or e-mail for a list of topics or to custom-tailor your own.  
