Think of organizations as complex machines, with each person, process and service functioning as a moving part. If the parts don’t fit well, the machine is in danger of breaking down. Professional services firms are particularly vulnerable as their greatest assets tend to be independent-minded, highly educated skeptics. Sometimes you just need a spark plug; sometimes thoughtful, practical coordination is the key. Practice Development Counsel helps you innovate, collaborate and execute with flexibility to keep delivering for your clients – and your profitability.
Is your organization as effective as you would like it to be? Are your internal and external clients deliriously happy with your service? Are you managing expectations? And are your work expectations being met?
Is your organization keeping its best talent? Training leaders? Valuing skills needed to run a business, satisfy clients and motivate and boost productivity? Do functional departments (e.g., marketing, professional development, recruiting, information technology) collaborate regularly or maintain their own "silos"? Is your organization experiencing a clash of styles: management business development or behavioral styles? Is the imbalance of work and life and the desire for flexibility a growing concern?
After many stimulating years coming from the business development arena, I characterize Practice Development Counsel's work as the nexus of marketing/retention/professional development/life-work excellence/productivity - hence my interest in expanding the focus on organizational effectiveness.
I have decided to try to spark thought and discussion on the many challenging issues that organizations, particularly those comprised of professionals and knowledge workers continue to face and need to address in order to survive and thrive.
As a vehicle for this, we have published a free monthly e-Alert for several years (Organizational Effectiveness e-Alert).