Practice Development Counsel

Phyllis weiss haserot
Phyllis weiss haserot

President & Founder

212 593-1549


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10/2022 Clues to Organizational Change from Board Priorities

Corporate Boards are focusing on the human side of governance priorities as never before– at last! They are getting more concerned with workforce issues since COVID threw a wrench in almost all aspects of operations and life. READ ON for the corporate challenges getting new attention from boards.


My Story: What to do when I/you have no email service from/to my/your business and primary address for 12 days and counting? (and worse, being in the midst of an outreach campaign for a new service?) What’s not productive?  Read for mindset suggestions to retain your sanity till life goes on.

08/2022 UNFAIR! Can We Lower the Temperature on Work UnFairness?

Unfairness is an issue we’re hearing about in the workplace more openly as a serious pain point since pandemic conditions set in and remote as well as hybrid working became common and a long-term trend. In the research that I have been conducting with one-on-one interviews for our forthcoming masterminds as well as larger studies by companies such as Gartner’s HR practice for their report “11 Trends Shaping 2022 Work,” the call for more fairness in the workplace is looming larger and louder, and more urgent.

07/2022 Use Backwards Thinking: Start with the B(Belonging)

Inclusiveness is not enough for talent retention, engagement and long-term loyalty. The most important initial in the DEIB acronym is the B, “belonging.” Start with the B. Read here what belonging feels like to an individual.

06/2022 The Meaning and Purpose of Being Pro-Choices

Giving people the ability to evaluate circumstances and decide what is the best choice for them or their teammates or community or society on a whole host of issues is likely to produce higher motivation, engagement and productivity. Here’s what I mean by pro-choice at work.

05/2022 Passion or Purpose or Both? -- The Formula for Your Work Legacy

The idea that everyone should find a passion in their work is only two or three decades old. But especially for the Millennials and Gen Zers, it’s been what they have come to think is a requirement early on or they have failed. Passion, life purpose and work legacy usually have a through thread and take time and experience.

04/2022 Caution: Look Before Leaping into Psychological Safety

As much as psychological safety is necessary for lasting employee engagement and sustainable diversity, equity, inclusion (DEI), there has often been reluctance on a policy or core values level to integrating it institutionally. We explore here why, and what management and individuals can do.


04/2022 How Psychological Safety Ups the Ante on Conversation and Engagement

In most companies/organizations, psychological safety is a new concept they are not yet focusing on. But it’s crucial because it is at the root of employee engagement, and indeed, instrumental in effective teamwork and innovation.