According to a recent New York Times survey of full-time metropolitan area employees age 50 or older, the most desirable perk is flexible work hours followed by part-time work. That's what they said would be most attractive to entice them to continue working as they reach senior status and enter retirement age.
Any organization composed of more than one person runs into the need for consensus building from time to time. At least once in a while, everyone you need to deal with doesn't see eye to eye. As law firm marketers and leaders, we need to build consensus and resolve conflicts frequently or our great ideas go nowhere. This takes sensitivity, skill and creativity - especially in the context of a partnership culture.
“The thing about going out and getting new business,“ says a partner in a large New York based firm, “is that when you bring it in, it's one of the greatest feelings you can have!” If everyone was so motivated, if every lawyer or professional felt that way, there would be no lacking for business and a smile on the face of every firm marketing manager.
From its origins in sports, coaching is now all the rage in the business world. Executive coaches are springing up all over. There is a Coach U on the Internet for training coaches. Up and coming executives commonly seek out coaches for themselves, if coaches are not provided by their companies, to assure development of the skills they will need to lead and manage.
More and more individuals within firms are calling for more flexibility, and many firms are trying to comply, whether they recognize the economic and cultural advantage to the firm or simply see it as a defensive move to placate associates and retain good lawyers. Some of the ways in which flexibility is being implemented are: