Practice Development Counsel

Phyllis weiss haserot
Phyllis weiss haserot

President & Founder

212 593-1549


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08/2011 Are We At An Awkward Stage About Age?

Whether or not 60 is the new 40, or 30 is the new 20, etc., age perceptions and realities are confusing and not aligned with perceptions and realities of decades ago. We are in need of mindset transitioning.

What defines a person’s age? How old are co-workers, employees and managers really?

07/2011 Getting Sharper About Non-Verbal Cues

Neuroscience, psychology, and technology innovation often provide wonderful - excuse the pun - mind-boggling applications. The Herman Trend Alert reports that the (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) MIT Media Lab has developed special glasses using a built-in camera linked to software that analyses facial micro-expressions.

06/2011 Gen X and Y Advantages in the Business Development Game

During a webinar I moderated on sustainable business development in April hosted by the Ark Group with a multi-generational panel consisting of representatives from both the client side and firms, we compiled a list of assets that Gen Xers and Gen Y/Millennials bring to business development teams.

Here’s our list. Perhaps it will give you some “ahas.”

05/2011 Insights for the Generations on Communication

“What we talk about when we talk about communication” was the title of the 2011 Annual Symposium of the Bernard Schwartz Communication Institute of Baruch College/CUNY held on May 6th. I am fortunate to be among the invitees who were treated to a full day of keynotes, small group discussions and informal talk at meals.

From my session notes and side conversations, I’ve outlined some insights for the generations on communication as we observe and evaluate style, media, what employers look for and what comes next.

04/2011 How to Develop and Deliver Perspective

Following up last month’s discussion on how the four generations in the workplace don’t understand each other’s underlying perspectives and formational influences very well (, this e-Tip makes some suggestions on what to do about it

There are three main places where people will gain the knowledge that gives them perspective: at home; in school; and in the workplace.

03/2011 Got Perspective? Without It, You Don’t “Get It”

To really engage, embrace and include, it’s not enough to learn the typical attributes of the different generations. Significantly, the four generations in the workplace don’t understand each other’s underlying perspectives and formational influences very well.


02/2011 Stop Blocking Traffic in the Pipeline!

I was asked recently to write an article on the potential for conflict between older and younger people (addressed to women) in the workplace. Even women suffer from the Prince Charles syndrome: waiting so long to take the reins that the chance may even pass them by. “Why won’t those Boomers realize it’s time to go?” some of them think.

01/2011 New Employment Deal Required

My annual greeting message for the new year is in the form of a short video. See it here and here.

How will you respond to the challenge for change in 2011?

Welcome to Phyllis Weiss Haserot’s 


The recently released 2011 Towers Watson Global Workforce study finds there is still a disconnect between employers and employees on reasons why people join and remain at firms. This divergence of views existed both pre- and during the economic downturn, so it should not and cannot be ignored.