Practice Development Counsel

Phyllis weiss haserot
Phyllis weiss haserot

President & Founder

212 593-1549


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09/2017 How to Succeed at #CrossGenerationalConversation and Other Intergroup Dialogues

Here‘s a Harvard economics professor’s approach to helping his students understand and appreciate the perspectives of people they strongly disagree with. Perspective is one of the critical elements I address in my forthcoming book, You Can’t Google it! I end with guidelines to make the conversations meaningful and satisfying.

08/2017 Ethical Disconnect: Another Millennial Myth or the Real Thing?

The first thing I thought when I read about the study comparing Gen Y/Millennials ethics to other generations by researchers at the Toledo College of Business and Innovation was, “Millennials get dissed again!” But are the conclusions another misinterpretation?

07/2017 People-Siting on Alaska Vacation: A #Generations Small Data View

Some takeaways from the value of diverse people interaction from a recent Alaskan vacation. There’s more to learn from and enjoy than the beautiful scenery, sea and wildlife from any trip. Read on.

06/2017 Changing the #Conversation with #IntergroupDialogue

Given the severity of social, economic and political divides today, if you are not familiar with the concept of Intergroup Dialogue, you should be. Read on to learn what Intergroup Dialogue is, its impact, and how it is being taught and implemented on college campuses and beyond.

05/2017 How to Educate for an AI World

Current education is not meeting employers’ needs. This will become a more serious problem as automation inevitably takes over a large spectrum of jobs, including those done at least partially by many categories of knowledge workers.  How must the focus of our education change in order to meet needs of both employers and workers now and in the future that is coming sooner than we may realize?

This is a question that affects not only the young generations, but also people of all ages and generations who want to stay relevant and continue to work.

04/2017 Alternative Facts—Workforce Survey Style

My head is spinning reading results of competing surveys from reputable organizations contradicting each other on workforce attitudes and motivations! So what are we to think and believe? Here are my thoughts.

03/2017 Next Generation Skillsets Needed Now

Despite proliferating numbers of job openings and still many people unemployed across the spectrum of ages, there is a mismatch of skills between many of the unemployed and skills needed now and going forward. This is not just about technology, and it applies to various levels of seniority. Many of the skills needed are not what the majority of the educated populations and current students in the U.S. and elsewhere are learning. What do we do?

02/2017 Why You Need Facilitated Dialogues within Work Teams

“Mobile, flexible, agile, engaged” are descriptors of the workplace cultures desired by the most sought after talent. We’re going to see more frequent leadership changes at various levels, role shifts and non-traditional reporting relationships brought on by demographic realities, external forces and internal impatience.

What does this mean for future leaders their training and how teams will operate?