Practice Development Counsel

Phyllis weiss haserot
Phyllis weiss haserot

President & Founder

212 593-1549


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07/2019 How Are Trust, Empathy & Bias Linked?

Concern and attention to bias in the workplace has increased exponentially as workers of all generations have raised their voices about inequality of treatment based on gender, race/ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability and more. #UnconsciousBiasTraining has produced mostly mixed results and little cause for celebration. So a team from University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School created a training program and “rigorously tested its effects” to see if the training would work as intended to change attitudes and lead to more inclusive behavior. Here’s the story and the start of my linking bias and trust.

06/2019 “Collaborageism”--The #Multigenerational Solution to the Age Diversity Culture Wars

It’s difficult to pinpoint when ageism pierced the surface or became so prevalent, at least in the U.S. with its youth culture. But it makes no social or economic sense. And ageism can point both ways: toward older and younger. Here are some ideas to change erroneous perceptions.

05/2019 Bridging Generational Employment Gaps With Skillsets Needed Now

Employment numbers don’t tell the whole story. The employment disconnect continues.Despite proliferating numbers of job openings and still many people unemployed across the spectrum of ages, there is a mismatch of skills between many of those available and skills needed now and in future. This applies to various levels of seniority and generations and is not just about technology. Many of the skills needed are not what the majority of the educated populations and current students in the U.S. and elsewhere are learning. What do we do?

04/2019 Chasing Immortality? Create & Achieve Your #LegacyAtWork

As I flesh out the Legacy-Makers @ Work Masterminds, perhaps it would be useful to articulate to you my own legacy at work vision as an example and most importantly why I advocate others define, plan and start implementing their desired work legacy in their 40s. In a world of fast change and competition, don’t put off this vital step to give increased purpose and meaning to your work and organizational contribution.

03/2019 Multigenerational Pain Point: Is it Age - or Relevance?

Talk and anguish about age and ageism at almost any age seems to be skyrocketing. Even some of the Millennials say they are feeling older and concerned about their relevance. A 58-year-old longtime hospitality entrepreneur thinks he has hit on the next big thing with a resort called Modern Elder Academy in Mexico. Unexpectedly, the customers/guests span several generations and industries seeking the cure to feelings of irrelevance. What’s up?

01/2019 AGES AND STAGES (part 1): Hot New Generational Trend Defies Stereotypes

This important trend on the increasing visible power of Boomer women is picking up steam. Aside from the positives, I point out some cautions in this article in the action steps toward the end – keep reading!

12/2018 Insights and New Clarity from a Tumultuous Year

2018 was a year of high highs, low lows and paradoxes for the world, politics, businesses and personally for many people. It certainly rocked our view of what had been previously perceived as normal. Reflecting back on 2018, I have reached some clarity and insight through my work and broader experience and observations that I’d like to share with you.

10/2018 What to Expect When You’re Expecting…Gen Z at Work

We’ve heard more than enough about every action and attribute of Millennials. In an effort to mitigate similar, often erroneous, perceptions of the serious, hardworking (and very different from Millennials) Gen Zers, also known as iGen, here’s a briefing on their upbringing and education as a foundation for their expectations and behaviors as they begin to enter the full-time workforce.