Practice Development Counsel

Phyllis weiss haserot
Phyllis weiss haserot

President & Founder

212 593-1549


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08/2020 Role Shifts: Creative Initiatives and Action Steps

Change will present challenges as well as opportunities at every level. Accommodating more generations and functions working together to retain valuable talent will require role shifts not contemplated in past decades. Open minds and flexibility can make it work and result in a stronger, happier organization.

07/2020 Role Shifting Requires Mind Shifting


Succession and transitioning planning have been made more urgent with the devastation in health and the economy triggered by the pandemic as well as the long-needed focus on changes toward social justice. And with this reality comes a greater need for organizations and individuals to plan for and accept the need for role shifts. Here’s what that means and how to think about it.


06/2020 Seismic Shifts Require Bold Responses

What hard changes for higher education institutions and employers of Gen Z and young Millennials are crucial to thrive after crisis?  Read on for strategies and action steps suggestions.

05/2020 Are We Experiencing a Seismic Shift in Higher Education and Work Aspirations for Gen Z and Non-traditional Students of any Generation?

Part One

Educational institutions and employers are grappling with changing views on the value of college and how best to prepare for major business model revisions as well as the already changed expectations from young employees before the current mind-boggling crisis. Now the need for drastic rethinking is undeniable. What are the factors underlying the prospect of a seismic shift?

04/2020 Credibility Has Renewed Significance

The COVID-19 crisis has raised credibility to a new height of importance. It’s time to consider current and future implications and some positive and negative changes we may see. Credibility should be regarded as a key competence.

04/2020 Appreciate the Value of Critical Thinking

These unprecedented times boldly illustrate how dramatically life and work can change on a dime. But even in times we used to consider “normal,” plans can be upset quickly. Organizations and teams need critical thinkers to pivot and stay relevant.

04/2020 Appreciate the Value of Critical Thinking

These unprecedented times boldly illustrate how dramatically life and work can change on a dime. But even in times we used to consider “normal,” plans can be upset quickly. Organizations and teams need critical thinkers to pivot and stay relevant.

04/2020 Appreciate the Value of Critical Thinking

These unprecedented times boldly illustrate how dramatically life and work can change on a dime. But even in times we used to consider “normal,” plans can be upset quickly. Organizations and teams need critical thinkers to pivot and stay relevant.