Practice Development Counsel

Phyllis weiss haserot
Phyllis weiss haserot

President & Founder

212 593-1549


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02/2021 Does Code-Switching Affect Generational/Age Diversity too?

There’s a lot of lip-service given to authenticity and “be your true self at work,” but is that truly, widely acceptable? Or is “code-switching” growing in practice too, including as it relates to age/generational diversity as well as race and gender?

01/2021 Gone Missing: Recognition of Multigenerational Voices in the Mix

Here’s why I am frustrated: Generational/age diversity, inclusion, belonging, deserves a bigger seat at the DEI decision-making table. The intersectionality of all, and I mean all diversities, including diversity of thought, needs to be recognized by both individuals and management.

12/2020 Speculating: Trends for the Future of Work

It’s the time of year for looking backward and forward for trends. Here are some probabilities and their implications to think about.

12/2020 We Can Fight Age-Biased Images and Their Economic and Social Harm - Embrace GENgagement

Use the action steps in  “You Can’t Google It! -The Compelling Case for Cross-Generational Conversation at Work” to increase inclusion and belonging in your organization, and also gift it to students, young alumni, interns and co-workers of different generations to give them an insightful boost to elevate their careers.


11/2020 Good Questions, Good Conversations, Stronger Connections

Maintaining my role as “the cross-generational voice,” my blog this month of the spirit of Thanks-giving is about approaches to have meaningful conversations with anyone you’d like to get to know or presents a difficult situation you’d like to turn around.


10/2020 When Confidence is Lacking in the NextGen: Solutions for Succession Planning & Knowledge Transfer

Leaders and human resource chiefs say succession planning is a top concern and business imperative. But too little is being done about it. Clients and other external stakeholders are also going through generational transitions, and your firm or organization needs to be in alignment with those relationships. This article focuses on finding, preparing, and gaining confidence in potential successors internally.

10/2020 How’s Your Voice?

Are you physically exercising your voice enough in this time of reduced conversation and distancing? Are you refraining from speaking up about things you believe in and/or want to change? Remember your vote is your voice, in the workplace and in a democracy.

09/2020 Are You Positioned to Be a Legacy-Maker?

At a time many of us are so enthralled by Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the several legacies she forged, and at a time when we are searching for meaning, rethinking our purpose in life and in our work, and to do good for people around us: Do you ask yourself ”How will I be remembered for my work? Did I make a positive difference?” It’s time!