Practice Development Counsel

Phyllis weiss haserot
Phyllis weiss haserot

President & Founder

212 593-1549


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03/2020 Behavioral Change: The Crisis’ Cultural Upsides

How will so much remote work change the world? I offer a few of my insights from the vantage point of the patterns I am seeing as a consultant, facilitator, speaker and author on intergenerational challenges at work starting with upsides that may be likely to come from the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic.

02/2020 New Definition of “Competence”: The Importance of Knowledge Transfer

The knowledge management field has been growing exponentially and it must incorporate the human forms of knowledge transfer as part of everyone’s job –it’s a necessary competence. Most workplaces are multigenerational and need the insights and motivation to manage and transfer knowledge cross-generationally. Sensitivity to, and acting on, generational preferences is an important part of a new definition of “competence.” Here’s how to move that goal forward.

01/2020 The Reality of (Female) Gen Xer’s Excessive Stress

Perhaps it shouldn’t have been a surprise that herds of middle class Gen X women (aged approximately 40-55) made Ada Calhoun’s book, Why We Can’t Sleep: Women’s New Midlife Crisis and her theories a viral media phenomenon. I look at the verifiable factors she cites, and then (with considerable sympathy) ask how different are the circumstances they face from Boomers at midlife/career and pose a few suggestions

12/2019 Demand for Learning How to Be an Adult

A demand for “adulting” courses is starting to be filled, often by students themselves who are very aware that no one taught them how to navigate the world as an adult in life and work. Read about one example and my suggestions for other initiatives.

11/2019 Thanks-Giving to Mister Rogers

This is definitely the year of celebration of the Mister Rogers phenomenon! We are being presented with a major movie starring Tom Hanks, documentaries (new and revived), feature stories galore. Why Mr. Rogers Now?

10/2019 Relevance: Securing Your Place on the Mid-Career Mountain – and Beyond

Probably more than ever today, out of the 10 essentials for success I explore with readers in You Can’t Google It! the attribute or skill that strikes an emotional chord with many people is relevance. Even 20-somethings worry about staying relevant. Not only is change happening so fast as new occupations and industries arise, different skills are needed as workers aspire to progress from early career to mid-career and higher.

09/2019 How Gen X Will Get Its Turn to Lead

Many Gen Xers are still experiencing the “Prince Charles syndrome,” wondering when their time will come. At the same time in this good economy, many employers are concerned Gen Xers will depart, leaving them with a potential experience and leadership gap.

With the demographic phenomenon of a small Generation X cohort, firms/organizations are faced with the belief that Xers may not be suitably trained or inclined to take over the demanding responsibilities of leading their businesses in line with the productivity standards the Boomers sought and achieved. What can they and their employers do to capitalize on the talent and experience to the benefit of all?  Continue reading to find the answers.

08/2019 Challenge the Distrust and Isolation Trend

I ended last month’s feature article on a downer about the decline in trust generally in today’s society, documented by a recent Pew Research Center survey. In this blog, I give detailed stats from the survey findings. Then I list some suggestions for how individuals, employers and educators might help to turn the distrust and bias trends around.